Fine Soil Amazonia MBreda

Fine Soil Amazonia MBreda

Product Description:

MBREDA Amazonia Special Soil was developed to be used in planted aquariums, having a specific formula rich in minerals for the best performance and growth of plants.

Its formula is exclusive to Mbreda! It has all the nutrients for optimal plant development. The special Amazônia MBreda soil provides perfect accommodation for the roots and the biology of the system.

It does not contain any dyes or anything that is not natural. Its color is a natural dark brown, highlighting much more the beauty of the plants.

Its high cation exchange adsorption capacity releases and stores nutrients for the roots of aquatic plants. It shelters colonies of beneficial bacteria in its interior, such as the Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria, due to its high porosity, improving much more the biological filtration of the aquatic system. It is a soil that can stay in contact with the water column without the need for an inert layer.

It comes ready to use, no need to wash it. During assembly, the water may become cloudy due to the dust generated by the friction of the granules inside the packaging.

In a few days the water will be crystal clear. The Amazônia MBreda Soil has two models, the standard Amazônia with 3 mm of diameter and the Amazônia extra Thin Substrate with 2 mm.


Stand Pouch 1,5 kg

Stand Pouch 6 kg Kg

Durability recommendation: 2 to 3 years

Validity inside packaging: Indeterminate.


  • TiO................................ 0.05%
  • K.....................................0,24%
  • Ca................................. 1.05%
  • Mg............................... ..0.84%
  • Fe................................. .0.27%
  • Al................................. ..1.16%
  • Si.................................. .6.35%
  • N.................................. ..0,40%
  • P................................... .0,07%
  • S.................................. ..0,34%
  • Na............................ ..0.0009%

PPM Parts per million:

  • Mn....................................166, 9
  • Zn....................................292.5
  • Cu......................................14.2
  • B........................................63,8

Electrical Conductivity 1,600 (umnhos)


Humidity.............................10% Physical nature: fine granules.

pH: .......................................7.5


Paulo Cesar CRQ. 12A Reg.12100079 Advanced formula MBREDA, superv. Dr. Perseu F. Santos PHD in soils.

Mbreda Aquapaisagismo & Marinho

Mbreda is a 100% Brazilian industry that for 17 years has been manufacturing products and supplements for freshwater, reef and aquascaping.

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